Monday 5 March 2012

Teacup Cupcake Pincushion

I thought I'd share what I'd been up to this weekend with you all!  After falling in love with some lovely teacup pincushions that I'd found on my internetty journeys, and then finding this beautiful vintage teacup, I wanted to see if I could turn it into my very own special cupcakey treasure.

I used the broderie anglais to give the idea of a cupcake liner and the brown felt to suggest chocolate cupcakey deliciousness (my favourite!).  I then tried to use the pink and white felt in a way that looked like icing (as icing-y as I could get it at least!) and the red felt strawberry... well, that's meant to look just like a strawberry!  I'm rather pleased with how it's turned out and it now has pride of place in my little craft room!

Please do leave a comment... I'd love to hear all about your own cupcakey craft projects!


  1. It looks absolutely inspiration to "get crafting"
