Thursday 8 March 2012

Saved by Cake

'Saved by Cake' is an extremely honest account of one of Britain's favourite fiction writers, Marian Keyes, recent battle with depression.  A complete novice in the kitchen, Marian decided to bake a cake for a friend and that was it!  She realised that baking was what she needed to do to get her through each day, and as she baked she wrote her recipes down... 'Saved by Cake' is the result.

Marian's recipes are aimed firmly at baking beginners, are never patronising, but are always honest and witty, accessible and full of fun... especially the shoe and handbag biscuits!  As one reviewer so eloquently puts it... 'two magnificent combinations come together - Marian Keyes and baking!  What's not to love, seriously.'  Available from Amazon for £8.33 including free UK delivery.

1 comment:

  1. I have all of her books (except this one!!) Off to Amazon I think!.... Sue x
